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“Its not the negligence of a currupted mind, but the tranquility of a free-spirited soul that makes me carefree” (2009)

Welcome to my free space where I gather my thoughts and feelings about life. For the next while, I’ll be talking mostly about my experience as an independent business owner (IBO) with ACN, random summer adventures and relationships. My blog has kind of a twist to it, because not only will I be talking about my life from my own perspective, but my boyfriend, Steve, will also be writing about his life on his own separate blog. The cool thing is, since we eat, sleep and do almost everything together, you’ll get to see and experience things from both sides of our perspectives as we write about our lives. To make it more fun and to keep our written thoughts as natural as possible, we decided not to read each others blogs. The only time we’ll really organize our blogs together will be Sundays which is when we have our themed posts. Sundays will be mainly about our relationship but if you have any suggestions or questions that you’d like us to do or answer just send us a comment. We’re pretty open minded, so don’t be afraid to share an idea. Well feel free to browse my site and be sure to check out Steve’s too!

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