Notice of Cancelation with ACN

After further research on ACN the last few days with Steve, we’ve decided to cancel Steve IBO account. It seems as though ACN is better as a long-term investment and even so, it would be quite difficult to make a ton of money through this company. With further inspection of the compensation plan, it becomes apparent that a lot of the money does in fact come from the recruitment aspect of the market. It makes sense why the company would set it up that way, since their goal is to expand the company as soon as possible. It just makes it difficult to be successful in this business since you have to rely much on others. Not only do you have to worry about the people you are going to recruit, but you have to worry about the people they will recruit and so on until the seventh tier. I think that it’s possible to get to the seventh tier, but getting there can be extremely difficult. I say that ACN is like an investment because that’s how Steve sees it. You have to invest not only the $500+tax but also all the travel time and gas money you have to spend when you try to recruit others. Like Summer quoted from on of the big guys, when you do ACN, you are a taxi driver (by driving prospective IBOs), and after that, you teach them how to be taxi drivers.

At first it was it disappointing that Steve decided to withdraw. I would rather him not sign up at all then to have him sign up just to cancel. Not only that, but the steps to cancel your IBO account is so sketchy that it worries me that he won’t get his ones back and we’d be wasting time trying. At first, all that we found was a mailing address to Montreal. Steve also found a fax number after some painful research. I used my work’s fax machine to send out the “notice of cancellation” form to ACN. I hope that I don’t get in trouble for using it for non work related stuff. At the end of the day though, $500 is a lot to lose when you’re a student. So as long as Steve can get his money back, I’m not mad. He’s still being supportive when it comes to me doing ACN and we just decided to do it together for the time being. I’ll post an update when/ if we hear back from ACN.


*****ACN Cancellation Update*****